By Mujlisul Ulama

(The Angels) said: ‘O Loot! We are the Messengers of your Rabb.

Never will they (the homosexual people of his nation) reach (apprehend) You. So, leave with your family during the night, except your wife. The punishment which will overtake them (the homosexuals) will also overtake her. The morning has been fixed for them (to be Eliminated by the Divine Chastisement). Is the morning not soon enough?

(Qur’aan, Surah Hood, Aayat 81)

Then when Our command (of Punishment) came, We turned the land upside down, and we rainecd incessantly on them brimstones that were (miraculously) marked by your Rabb.”

(Qur’aan, Surah Hood, Aayats 82 and 83)

There are many similar Qur’aanic verses which vividly explain the terrible Punishment of Allah Ta’ala which had obliterated the people of Nabi Loot (Alayhis salaam) for their unnatural sins of homosexuality. The Dead Sea region is a living testimony for the Divine Wrath which had settled on the people of Nabi Loot (Alayhis salaam).

The following is the Naseehat of a sister on this issue of topical importance.


By Millennial Muslimah

As salaam u alaikum wa Rahmatullah

I have received numerous queries regarding my silence on the LGBTQ matter. People want to know my stance. I have actively stayed away because of the noise. There is good work being done by ulema so I don’t feel the need to be vocal.

However after last week’s tweets by Jamiat and the subsequent backlash, I feel there is a need to put on record the need for balanced dialogue. We can no longer keep our heads in the sand regarding the spread of same sex attraction within the Muslim community. It IS happening. We must address the issue with wisdom.


We denounce in the strongest terms the actions of Qawm-e-Lut (Alayhis salaam) as well as those who support such actions.

I have actively avoided this issue, however the tweets posted by Jamiat KZN last week and the following backlash has highlighted the need to have a balanced conversation.

This movement is growing exponentially. They are going all out! Their marketing strategy can be described as aggressive at best. If we consider the manner behind their roll out we arrive at the sickening conclusion that it is directed primarily at impressionable youth, Our next generation!

It is obvious from the rainbow colours to having men in sparkly dresses reading to kids, to representation in kids movies. We should not be so blinded by the glitter and sequins that we fail to see the facts before our eyes.

As Muslims we MUST BE PROACTIVE! Our stance on this matter MUST come from within our Deen. Those who fail to realise we are in the fight of our lives for our identity are fast asleep. It is preposterous for our stance as Muslims to simply be a REACTION to whatever they are spitting out! Do You think their think tanks didn’t anticipate that? Infact, they are counting on it to create more attention, positive or negative, doesn’t matter. What are the facts here? This IS a reality!

The amount of noise being created has a PURPOSE. whether is pro or anti is of little consequence. All of this noise is to create a buzzing in the background of the minds of the next generation. All of this just to plant a seed. Why? Because all it takes is for ONE THOUGHT to get the conscious attention of a child, the rest is left to shaytaani waswasah. Children by nature are curious and have vivid imaginations. They act out their fantasies as they go through different phases. All it takes is one spark to pique their curiosity then waswasah can fan the flames! Neurons that fire together, wire together… It is THAT SIMPLE to condition someone into something they’re not! The mind of a child is soft and pliable, like putty, so beware who is given access to mould it. Just because a child is going through a phase, doesn’t mean they should live their entire lives trapped in that phase.

This is why we should have a strong stance from within our DEEN. Those who think there is no place for these conversations are sadly mistaken and should educate themselves instead of contributing to the noise. Those who find themselves in this situation should be able to find help and answers within our Deen, to navigate their way through it.

We must act with wisdom. If we blindly denounce everything,we will be denouncing things that Shari’ah has made allowances for.

Our Deen recognises the reality of Khuntha (hermaphrodites). There are rules of fiqh that have been specified for this situation. Besides this, there are psychiatric disorders like GID and Gender Dysphoria among others. There is also the recognition of those who’s Fitrah has been corrupted as a result of abuse or grooming! These are REAL ISSUES that are lost when we are distracted by the noise!

There is excellent work being done in this field. Let’s get educated so we can contribute.

Remember the Hadith when the horse of a Sahabi tripped and he cursed shaytaan?

What did Nabi saw advise? Do not curse shaytaan for he becomes as big as a house, rather praise Allah then shaytaan becomes as small as a fly.

Instead of cursing the devils involved in this movement, we should rather provide wholesome and useful information that equip our kids with talking points so that they are not swept away in this tsunami of filth.

It is incredibly naive to think we can prevent them from being exposed to these evils, but we CAN equip them with the tools to deal with these issues whenever and wherever they encounter them.

We know Iblees promised to make man change the Creation of Allah and that Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) cursed the man who dressed like a woman and Vice Versa.

There is valid reasoning behind why our pious predecessors regarded a young unbearded youth more dangerous than a female. Some ulema refused to be alone with such males even though it is not haraam. While attraction to the opposite sex is according to our Fitrah, attraction to the same goes against it (our Fitrah and Islam). No one should consider themselves immune. History will attest to those individuals who never gave in to their urges and gained wilaayat through fighting their desires. We are the masters of the desires we suppress, while we become slaves to the desires we give in to.

There is a place within our Deen for this conversation. This can ONLY happen if we are wise and level headed enough to have the difficult conversations. If we scare them off with hate and disgust, where will they go? Their friends?The internet?

We are serving up our children to the enemy.

Besides the individuals who may be having confusing thoughts, there are parents who are scared and confused, who need support and counselling from a Deeni perspective. They need to be equipped to deal with this issue, just as the parents who deal with kids in porn addiction or teenage pregnancy. May Allah grant ease and Aafiyah.

The reason those caught up in this field have a much higher degree of Mental Health issues is that this lifestyle goes against one’s Fitrah (innate disposition) and the Law of Allah Ta’ala, resulting in resistance from the soul. This manifests as moderate to severe mental health issues. These individuals are then medicated to the point of numbness. Shutting off those feelings and silencing the reproachful Nafs Lawwamah!

If we are not going to have THESE conversations, we will be forced to have conversations about self-harm, substance abuse and suicide while our youth struggle to come to terms with these challenges. Those whose souls have been distanced from their Fitrah require guidance and advice on how to find their way back. They must be steered back with Wisdom and patience. Many are scared, lost, ashamed, confused and looking for answers This obviously does not apply to those who rebelliously choose to remain in their sin, forcing others to accept the depravity!

If we fail to be proactive, remember, society is waiting eagerly for the opportunity to condition our youth.

Every individual that they manage to hook with this movement means a patient for life! Hormones, therapy, surgeries… Big Pharma smiling all the way to the Bank!

Which is worse? An individual who is attracted to the same gender, knows it’s haraam and does everything to fight it? Understanding that this is their test and realises their salvation lies in remaining steadfast on the Deen or an individual who doesn’t have this attraction to the same gender but doesn’t see anything wrong with it and feels that people should be allowed to do what they desire and love whomsoever they please?

The act of Qawm-e-Lut (Alayhis salaam) is haraam, but normalising and justifying it is Kufr and one cannot remain a Muslim.

These are trying times we live in, we should attempt to be the safe spaces for our children so that they find it easy to come to us with questions so we can steer them back to the path of righteousness. They won’t have to go to their ill-informed friends or the internet to seek clarity that will lead them astray. Life is difficult enough as it is and our children will be faced with colossal challenges in the time to come. Let us not be the ones adding to that burden.

May Allah grant us the understanding and wisdom to deal with the issues we face in society. May Allah protect us and our progeny from falling into the traps of shaytaan.” (End of the Sister’s dissertation)


This LGBTQ is indeed a matter of colossal Fitnah since it is being vigorously and vehemently being propagated by the agents of Shaitaan. In this league of Shaitaan, the governments are the worst offenders. In the U.K. if parents tells his children that homosexuality is haraam, he becomes liable for arrest and his children are cruelly confiscated – taken away from their parents and assigned to kuffaar homes. In such a scenario it devolves as a Waajib obligation for Muslims to make Hijrat (Migrate) from that evil country of the satanists.

The best method of guarding our children against this shaitaani onslaught is to keep them away from public schools. They should be schooled at home, and there must be greater effort and emphasis on Islamic ta’leem and Akhlaaqitarbiyat. It is imperative for Muslims as a community to make demands to the government to exempt our children from the shaitaanoyat of their sex-education. We must agitate and protest. We cannot afford to be complacent.

There is no longer freedom of religion in this country. What the constitution says in this regard is farcical. Every judge of a court will interpret the constitution to serve the concepts of Iblees. Muslims should understand the deluge of fitnah which is destroying the Akhlaaq and Imaan of Muslims. Our safety is in submitting to the Sunnah to the best of our ability, and to repose trust in Allah Ta’ala.

If Muslims become obedient unto Allah Ta’ala, He will create the circumstances for our protection and safety. Currently all the evil forces , both human and devil, are lined up against true Muslims. We have in our midst many munaafiq molvis and sheikhs who are peddling the wares of the Satanists. Beware of them. There is no difficulty in understanding who these Satanist molvis and sheikhs are.

Fabricated Events of Karbala and business of Tears and Lamenting

Prominent Shia Scholar and Historian Syed Shakir Hussain Naqvi Amrohawi writes:

“Many narrations and accounts have been compiled over a long period, depicting the events related to the martyrdom of Imam Hussain عليه السلام, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ during the Battle of Karbala. However, as time passed, disagreements among these accounts became so numerous that distinguishing between truth and falsehood became a challenging task.

It’s worth noting that the account of Abu Mikhnaf Lut bin Yahya Azdi, who was not present in Karbala, is based on hearsay. Consequently, the complete reliability of his narration regarding the Maqtal by Abu Mikhnaf cannot be fully trusted.

Furthermore, there are multiple versions of Abu Mikhnaf’s account, and they significantly differ from one another. It suggests that Abu Mikhnaf himself did not compile these events, and someone else might have gathered the narrated incidents.

In summary, the events related to the martyrdom of Imam Hussain رضي الله عنه have become so conflicted and varied from start to finish that if they were to be recounted one by one, they would fill numerous thick volumes.

Certain events, such as the “three-day water blockade of the Ahl al-Bayt, the presence of a large opposing army, the desecration of the sacred coffin by removing the head, looting of the belongings from the blessed corpse, the carrying of the sacred coffin on a spear, the looting of the bazaar of Ahl al-Bayt, and terrorizing actions against the progeny of the Prophet” are widely known and commonly discussed. However, among them, some accounts are incorrect, some are questionable, some are weak, and some are exaggerated.”

[Mujahid e Aazam pg. 177]

And the best possible reason for these events to be fabricated by these people and Zakir around the world in Shia community is because laymen want to hear what makes them cry and lament, therefore:

One of the greatest Shia Mohaddis of recent times, Ayatollah Asif al Mohseni writes.

اكثر تفاصيل حوادث كربلا مجهول الناس يطلبون ما يبكيهم وكثير من الوعاظ محتاجون الى الجا والمال فال امر القصص الى ما يرى.

The most of the narrations of karbala are unknown, and people seek and expect to hear what make them cry and most of the Zakireen are after wealth and fame..

[Mushra’a Bihar al Anwar 2/156]

History of Taziyadari and its ruling in Shia religion

What is Taziya and Taziyadari?

Taziya means giving homage and respect to the deceased. Taziya is a replica of mausoleum (made of out of wood or plastic) of Sayyidina Hussain رضیﷲ عنه, it is an important part of Moharram in Shia religion. This commemoration and festival is similar to Hindu Festival Ganapati Visarjan as Taziya can be brought home on any day between the eve of the first day of Muharram and the ninth day and buried on the tenth day known as Ashoora, when Sayyidina Hussain was martyred in Karbala along with some of his family members and companions.

History of Taziya

In Iranian culture it refers to condolence theater and Naqqali. In Iranian tradition, ta’zieh and parde-khani, inspired by historical and religious events.

The appearance of the characteristic dramatic form of Iran known as the ta’zïye Mu’izz ad-Dawla, the king of Buyid dynasty, in 963. As soon as the Safavid Dynasty was established in Iran  in 1501 and the Shiism of the Twelvers adopted as the official sect, the state took interest in theater as a tool of propagating Shiism.

Shia Muslims take out a Ta’zieh (locally spelled as Ta’zīya, Tazia, Tabut or Taboot) procession on day of Ashura in India and Pakistan.

The artwork is a colorfully painted bamboo and paper mausoleum. Might be Shia got influenced by Hinduism


So the Iranian Shias organise a dramatic play/theatre of the event of Karbala and the Shias of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh make the high rise structure of made of bamboo, wood and paper and fake graves of revered figures who were martyred in Karbala.

Taziya also holds a significance value in Sub continent as it was innovated and introduced by so called muslim Kings.

It is said that Taziya is firstly introduced in Sub continent in India, Lucknow  by a Mughal King Taymoor (1370-1405)

Shia Historian and Schoolar Mirza Jafar Hussain writes:

مراسم عزا میں تعزیہ داری کو بہت اہمیت حاصل ہے ، کیوں کہ تعزیہ ہندوستان ہی میں معرض وجود میں آیا تھا اوراسی ملک میں اس کو مقبولیت حاصل ہوئی ۔ کہا جا تاہے کر تیمور بادشاہ ہر محرم میں امام حسین کے مزار پر حاضر ہوکرسوگنشین ہوتا تھا ۔ ہندوستان پر حملہ آور ہونے کے بعد دوران جنگ محرم کا چاند نمودار ہوا اور اس کے لیے مرقد مبارک پر پہنچینا نا ممکن ہو گیا ۔ تب اس نے اپنے مشیر کاروں سے استصواب کیا اور ان کی رائے پیل کرتے ہوئے روضی طہر کی شبیہ تیار کرائی اور اسی کے حضور گریہ کناں ہوکر اپنی عقیدت مندی کو آسودہ کیا تھا ۔ تعزیہ داری کی بنیاد اس طرح قائم ہوئی تھی اور یہ بھی یقینی ہے کہ تیمور نے جو شبیہ تیار کرائی تھی وہ روضہ مبارک کی ہو بہ ہو نقل رہی ہو گی

In the mourning ceremony, Taziya has a lot of importance, because Tazyia was introduced in India and it gained popularity in that country.  It is said that Mughal King Taymoor used to visit Imam Hussain’s shrine every Muharram. After the invasion of India, during the Muharram war, the moon appeared and it became impossible for it to reach the holy shrine. Then he consulted his advisers and, taking their advice, had an image of Rauza Tahar prepared and wept in front of it and satisfied his devotion. This is how the foundation of Tazia was established and it is also certain that the image that Timur had prepared may have been a replica/copy of Rauza Mubarak.

[Qadeem Lucknow ki Aakhri Bahar pg. 340]

Taziya and Taziyadari have no place in Islam, it was introduced by some fanatic Kings and deviants. This practice is ugliest bid’ah (innovation) in the name of Islam as many Sunnis are also getting influenced by them and taking parts in their commemoration.

Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah has no place for innovations, they shun every kind of Alien things and hold the Sunnah of Nabi ﷺ dear to their hearts. There are numerous ahadith which made us aware and warn regarding innovations in Islam and similarly, Shia religion also has authentic reports which condemns innovation in Islam (Bid’ah).

Ruling of Taziyadari and other bid’at in Shia religion:

Sayyidina Ali رضیﷲ عنه said:

مَا أَحَدٌ ابْتَدَعَ بِدْعَةً إِلَّا تَرَكَ بِهَا سُنَّةً

Nobody started any new innovation (Bid’at), but they did abandon the Sunnah (traditions) because of it.” (Meaning sunnah is replaced by the bid’ah)

[Bihar al Anwar and Mirat al Uqool 1/200 Mullah Baqir Majlisi classified it Sahih]

Sayyidina Ja’far was asked “What is the least thing which makes a man disbeliever? Imam عليه السلام replied, 
أن يبتدع به شيئا فيتولى عليه ويتبرء ممن خالفه.

He innovates something in religion/bring something new to islam and make friends on it’s basis and hate the one who opposes it.

[Ma’ani al Akhbar pg. 393 sanad Sahih]

If only Shias read about their own books and followed Ali رضیﷲ عنه and their rest of the infallible Imams like they claim, they wouldn’t have fabricated and innovated this practice. Further more, Sayyidina Ali رضیﷲ عنه prohibited such replicas and copies of mausoleum/graves to be made and venerated with some heavy words. And their scholars also shunned this evil bid’ah.

Sayyidina Ali رضیﷲ عنه said:
“من جدد قبرا أو مثل مثالا فقد خرج من الاسلام “

The one who renews the grave and build or created something similar to it which depicts or resembles the grave or shrine, has left the Islam.

[Man la Yahdaru al Faqih 1/135, sanad hasan]

The classical scholar of Shias “Shaykh Saduq” said about this narration of Ali رضیﷲ عنه that

والذي أقوله في قوله عليه السلام: من مثل مثالا يعني به أنه من أبدع بد ودعا إليها، أو وضع دينا فقد خرج من الاسلام، وقولي في ذلك قول أئمتي عليهم السلام

Regarding the saying of Ali “من مثل مثالا” I have to say that, If a person innovated (Bidah) something in the religion and called people towards it and fabricated a religion then that person has left the islam, and this saying of mine is the saying of my Imams.

[Man la Yahdaru al Faqih 1/136]

[NEW TITLE]: Aurangzeb Alamgir: His Treatment of his Father & Brothers in the Scale of Politics & the Shari’ah

Book Name: Aurangzeb Alamgir: His Treatment of his Father & Brothers in the Scale of Politics & the Shari’ah

English Rendering of the Urdu Work: Aurangzeb Alamgir – Baap awr Bhaiyon ke Mu’amalat Siyasat awr Shari’at ki Mizan Mein

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Faisal Ahmad Nadwi (Hafizahullah)

Translation: Sher Muhammad Khan

114 Pages [Paperback only]

Published on: 9th July 2023

Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

Every student of history is well acquainted about the attempts that were and are made to tarnish the character of Sultan Aurangzeb and the severe condemnation against his persona by the biased historians. Regardless, what constitutes the most objectionable matter which comes at first place from the perspective of the Islamic Law, is his conduct with his father and brothers for he imprisoned his father and killed his brothers. What is the political context and the status of these matters in the light of Islamic Law [Shari’ah]? The answer will be found in this book, reading of which – God Willing – will clear many misconceptions.

Table of Contents:

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[Moderator Post]

Responding to the Adhaan

By Mujlisul Ulama

Allaamah Abdul Wahhaab Sha‘raani (Rahmatullah alayh) said:

Among our Pledges to Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) is that we shall respond to the Muath-thin as instructed in the Sunnah and that we shall not be oblivious in this regard by indulging
in conversation.

Every Sunnat act has a specific time for rendering it. For responding to the Muath-
thin there is also a specific time. For Ilm there is a time. For Tasbeeh there is a time,
and for Tilaawat of the Qur‘aan there is a time. Thus one may not recite Istighfaar
during the time of Surah Faatihah (in Salaat) nor in the place of Tasbeeh, nor Qiraa‘t in Sujood, nor in the place of
Tashahhud, etc. Understand this well.

In this era (i.e. the 10th Hijri century), besides others, numerous Talabatul Ilm (Ulama and Students) are neglectful in
this regard. They abandon the response to the Muath-thin, and frequently they neglect even Jamaat Salaat. They engage in Nahw and Usool or in Fiqh while the
people are emerging from the Musaajid. Then they justify (their neglect) by saying:
― Knowledge has priority.

In reality, it is not so. When Sayyidi Ali Khawwaas (Rahmatullah alayh) would
hear the Muath-thin proclaiming: ―Hayya alas Salaah, he would shiver and melt with
fear for Allah Ta‘ala. He would respond to the Muath-thin with complete presence
of heart and total humility. Know this and act accordingly. May Allah Ta‘ala guide
you. (Lawaaqiul Anwaar)

This neglect, i.e. being oblivious of the Masnoon response, is worse in our time. Ulama, Muftis, Molvis and Talaba are
all the same. Whilst the Adhaan is being proclaimed, they indulge in conversation,
laughter, and the like. Some have the mistaken idea that it is permissible to abstain from the Masnoon Response if they
are engaging in teaching and lecturing. This is erroneous and not valid. Teaching and the bayaan are the personal acts of a person, while Responding to the Adhaan is a Masnoon act of Ibaadat. If it is missed, there is no qadha for it. The immense reward of fulfilling a Sunnat act is lost, and perpetuation of such neglect constitutes a major sin. Understand this well and
abstain from baseless justification and interpretation.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “My Shafaa-ah (Intercession) is Waajib for him who responds to the

The Maqasid (Goals) of Nikah (Marriage)

By Ismail Khadar

Marriage (Nikah) is one of the most sacred and important relationships in Islam. The Quran and Sunnah are full of rules, advice, and discussions on marriage. Every Fiqh compendium has a Kitab al-Nikah (Book of Marriage), and historically every young Muslim dream of getting married one day.

But in this generation, things seem to have changed. A growing number of young men and women are averse to marriage and even afraid of it. They fail to see the need of marriage, the point of marriage, or the benefits of marriage.

“Why can’t I be happy by myself? Why do I need someone?” have become common questions. Fear of responsibility, change, and especially abuse have turned these young Muslims away from marriage. The big question on their mind is what the point of marriage is and what do I get out of it. In this article, I hope to answer that question.

The Concept of Maqasid:

Allah is Al-Hakeem (Most Wise) therefore every law He has legislated has wisdom in it. Sometimes we may not know that wisdom, but we follow the law anyway, because we trust the Infinite Wisdom of Allah. Based on this, scholars have divided the laws of Islam into two categories: ta’abuddi and aqli. Ta’abuddi means that we do not know the wisdom behind the law but follow it anyway. Examples of Ta’abuddi laws are praying a specific number of Rakah for each Salah. Aqli means that the law is rational, in that humans can easily identify the benefits of following that law, marriage falls into this category. The benefits of marriage, and the laws surrounding marriage, all have clear rational goals and objectives.

The Shariah has two primary goals: to facilitate that which is beneficial and to ward off that which is harmful. The legislation of marriage facilitates a lot of benefits that we will discuss below. Likewise, the prohibition of adultery and fornication protects society from the harms of these sins, which we will explore in a future article.

In generally, the Shariah exists to protect six things that are necessary for society to function properly:

1) The religion itself – prayers, fasting, and the various acts of worship exist to protect the religiosity of people and society.

2) Human life – the prohibition of murder, unjust violence, and abuse all exist to protect the sanctity of human life.

3) Lineage – The prohibition of fornication and the legislation of marriage both exist to preserve the lineage of people.

4) Wealth – The prohibition of interest, gambling and stealing all exist to protect people’s wealth. The right to wealth and property ownership is a necessary part of the Shariah

5) Intellect – The prohibition of intoxicants protects the minds of people, while the recommendation to seek knowledge develops those minds further.

6) Honour/Dignity – Izzah (which our academy is named after) is the sixth goal of the Shariah according to many scholars. The concept of marriage exists to protect the honour and dignity of people and society.

The Preservation of Dignity (Izzah)
O you who believe! Do not follow Satan’s footsteps. Whoever follows Satan’s footsteps—he advocates obscenity and immorality. Were it not for God’s grace towards you, and His mercy, not one of you would have been pure, ever. But God purifies whomever He wills. God is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surah al-Nur 24:21)

A Muslim must live a dignified life. The benefit of living a dignified lifestyle is that a person is respected by society, received more opportunities for growth, and in general enjoys a health social life. Dignity comes from being righteous, having good character and manners, and avoiding public sins. A primary source of dignity is a strong marriage.

Marriage indicates that a person has chosen to live a chaste morally upright life. It indicates commitment, loyalty, love, and a general sense of God-consciousness. This does not mean that a single person is not worthy of respect, it simply means that marriage is a means of increasing that respect when done right. A single person who avoids sin is still doing enough to preserve their dignity, but marriage can help them reach higher levels of happiness and self-fulfillment.

The Preservation of Lineage (Nasab)

Call them after their fathers; that is more equitable with God. But if you do not know their fathers, then your brethren in faith and your friends. There is no blame on you if you err therein, barring what your hearts premeditates. God is Forgiving and Merciful. (Surah al-Ahzaab 33:5)

Families are very important in Islam. Marital intimacy is the only legitimate way to produce children in the modern world. Muslims are encouraged to produce and raise righteous children. This allows Islam to grow in numbers and quality, leading to the fulfilment of other goals of the Shariah too.

When children are born out of wedlock, it can result in confusion about lineage. This can cause long-term psychological harm to such children and may lead them down dangerous paths in life. To preserve both the lineage and dignity of children, they must be produced through marriage. This facilitates for children to be born into loving homes, where they can be nurtured and grow to their full potential.

Companionship & Love (Suhbah & Muwaddah)

And of His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquility in them; and He planted love and compassion between you. In this are signs for people who reflect. (Surah al-Rum 30:21)

Allah created humans with emotional needs, including the need for companionship. The only permitted method today for experiencing this deep level of love and companionship is through marriage. Without marriage, there is a strong chance that an individual may become extremely lonely, which in turn may lead to depression and lack of productivity.

Marriage produces strong bonds of love that help get one through tough times. A loving spouse is the best shoulder to lean on during times of crisis, which life is full of. The companionship of marriage does not refer to one’s spouse only. Marriage produces children (in shaa Allah) whom in turn produce grandchildren. This cycle ensures that in the later stages of life, an elderly person is not lonely because they still have the love and companionship of their descendants.

Peace of Mind (Sakinah)

And of His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, so that you may find tranquility in them; and He planted love and compassion between you. In this are signs for people who reflect. (Surah al-Rum 30:21)

A final goal of marriage is to produce homes of peace. The world is a difficult place full of trial and hardship. Life can be overwhelming without someone to share it with. A happy home is a place of peace where a person can forget their outside worries and find solace in the arms of their spouse and children. This has amazing long-term benefits for one’s emotional health.

The above goals cannot be achieved by simply signing a Nikah contract and fulfilling the bare minimum fiqh requirements. Marriages are built on many factors that are not talked about often today. Islam has prescribed different roles for men and women within a marriage, each of which have their own goals and wisdom. Men are required to provide, protect, and lead their families to a bright future in both worlds. Women are required to nurture children and turn their houses into homes of peace, love, and beauty. To achieve these goals, both genders need to learn how to fulfil their roles best.

[NEW TITLE]: Barelwism Vs Hanafi Fiqh

Book Name: Barelwism Vs Hanafi Fiqh [English Rendering of the Urdu Work Razakhaniyat ba-Muqabla Hanafiyyat]

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Sajid Khan Naqshbandi (Hafizahullah)

Translated by: Sher Muhammad Khan

236 Pages [Paperback & Hardcover (unavailable in Kindle)]

Published on: 1st July 2023
Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

In this day and age, the Ahl al-Bid’ah (Barelwis) who count themselves from the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah and also
proclaim to be Hanafis and the muqallids of Imam Abu Hanifah (Allah have mercy on him). Whereas the reality is against it, just as these Barelwis are against the “Sunnah” and are the promoters of “Bid’ah”; in the same way they are also rebels of Hanafi Fiqh. If we pick up any major work of Hanafi Fiqh, we would fail to find the validation of practices of innovations invented by Barelwis
anywhere in it. In the same note, one can test the Barelwis by demanding them: “provide me a proof of your bid’ah practices with the references from reliable books of Hanafi Fiqh,” then the
fakery of their claim of following Hanafi Fiqh would lay exposed.

Mawlana Sajid Khan Sahib Naqshbandi (Hafizahullah) has penned this brief book “Barelwism vs Hanafi Fiqh” in refutation
of the same Barelwi claim of adherence to Hanafi Fiqh. In this book, the respected Mawlana presents 31 masa’il from the books of the classical scholars of the Hanafi Fiqh and the past scholars of India and after elaborating each masa’il, he follows it up by putting forward the conflicting stance of Barelwism on the same juristic issue through which the opposition of Barelwism against Hanafi Fiqh becomes clearly manifest and comprehendible for
the readers.

Table of Contents:

Available for purchase in the following (country-wise) links:




