[NEW TITLE]: Aurangzeb Alamgir: His Treatment of his Father & Brothers in the Scale of Politics & the Shari’ah

Book Name: Aurangzeb Alamgir: His Treatment of his Father & Brothers in the Scale of Politics & the Shari’ah

English Rendering of the Urdu Work: Aurangzeb Alamgir – Baap awr Bhaiyon ke Mu’amalat Siyasat awr Shari’at ki Mizan Mein

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Faisal Ahmad Nadwi (Hafizahullah)

Translation: Sher Muhammad Khan

114 Pages [Paperback only]

Published on: 9th July 2023

Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

Every student of history is well acquainted about the attempts that were and are made to tarnish the character of Sultan Aurangzeb and the severe condemnation against his persona by the biased historians. Regardless, what constitutes the most objectionable matter which comes at first place from the perspective of the Islamic Law, is his conduct with his father and brothers for he imprisoned his father and killed his brothers. What is the political context and the status of these matters in the light of Islamic Law [Shari’ah]? The answer will be found in this book, reading of which – God Willing – will clear many misconceptions.

Table of Contents:

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