Animals are not Morons – Scientists are Morons

By Mujlisul Ulama

Allah Azza Wa Jal says in His Glorious Qur‘aan:

“Indeed, the vilest creatures by Allah are the (spiritually) deaf and dumb. They are
those who lack understanding.”
(Al-Anfaal, Aayat 22)

“Indeed, the worst (vilest/most evil) creatures by Allah are the kuffaar who have no Imaan.” (Al-Anfal, Aayat 55)

Despite these moron scientists possessing vast secular information pertaining to the
stupendous and mind boggling natural systems governing every aspect of creation in the universe, the density and darkness (zulmat) vermiculating their brains preclude them from recognizing the Existence of the Powerful, Wise and Majestic Being Who is the Khaaliq (Creator) of the universe along with all the wonderful systems governing and
regulating every aspect in every sphere of life.

These morons fail to understand that System is not an accidental and haphazard phenomenon for which there is no
rational explanation other than to stupidly and monotonously say that it is an ‘accident’. There is no such thing as an
aimless ‘accident’ which has no intelligent cause in the universe of System created by Allah Azza Wa Jal.

Since these moron scientists due to the disease of takhabbutush shaitaan (satanic
madness) which has cast their intelligence into cognitive dissonance resulting in mental explosion, fail miserably to recognize their Creator and the Creator of the universe for which they unhesitatingly affirm marvellous and stupendously mind boggling systems governing all aspects of creation, Allah Ta‘ala describes them as being “the vilest of all creatures who are deaf, dumb and blind”.

On the Day of Qiyaamah when these morons will be resurrected from their graves, they will discover themselves to be physically blind because on earth they were spiritually blind. Then, acknowledging their Creator, they will wail:

“O my Rabb! Why have You resurrected me blind whilst I was able to see (on earth)?”

He (Allah) will say: “Yes (now understand) that Our Signs had come to you, but you forgot them. Now, similarly, today you shall be forgotten (and administered to
Hell as fuel).”

Thus, shall We punish those who committed excess (kufr), and did not believe in the Aayaat of their Rabb. And, The Punishment of the Aakhirah is the severest and the Most enduring.”
(Taa-haa, 125, 126 and 127)

Although the ‘science’ of these moron scientists clearly testifies that prior to an earthquake or a natural disaster, some inner perception is activated in animals, they moronically fail to understand the
system affirmed by their theories. As for Muslims, there is no conundrum here requiring scientific experimentation and

In terms of the Qur‘aan Majeed, animals are also repositories of Ilhaam and Kashf
(spiritual inspiration and revelation). Thus, prior to the occurrence of the disaster, they
are forewarned by Allah Ta‘ala. Some years ago when a tsunami swept Sri Lanka, it was reported that not a single animal was killed. Prior to the eruption of the tsunami, the animals had taken refuge on
very high ground in the mountains. Of course, whoever and whatever of humans, animals and buildings are earmarked
for destruction by Allah Azza Wa Jal, will not escape Divine Wrath as Nabi Nooh (Alayhissalaam), with tears welling up
in his eyes, cried to his kaafir son when the latter said: “I shall seek protection on the
mountain (against the flood). It shall save me”.

“Today there is no refuge from the Decree of Allah except for him on whom He has