
The following statement is attributed to Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullah alayh):

   “If a man were to practice Sufism at the beginning of the day, Dhuhr  will not reach him except that you will find that he has become an idiot”

Is Sufi’ism not part of Islam as we have always understood? Please comment.

Answer [By Mujlisul Ulama]:

Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullah alayh) has acquitted himself with circumspection. We venture to go a step further and say that “He is not only an idiot, but is also a kaafir.”

Sufi’ism or Tasawwuf is of two kinds.

(1) Sufi’ism/Tasawwuf of the Qur’aan and Sunnah

(2) Sufi’ism/Tasawwuf of the Satanistic variety.

Of the second kind of Sufi’ism, there are many varieties. Of the first kind there are primarily Four Sisilahs. These are the popular Sufi Math-habs known as Chishtiyyah, Naqshabandiyyah, Qaadariyyah and Suharwardiyyah. These four primary Sufi Silsilahs ramify into numerous subdivisions.

Imaam Shaafi (Rahmatullah alayh) was referring to sufi’ism of the second kind which is Satanism. Every brand of sufi’ism which is in conflict with the Qur’aan and Sunnah, i.e. the Shariah, is Satanism. Thus, a person who practices Satanism does not have to wait until Zuhr for becoming an ‘idiot’. He immediately becomes an idiot and a kaafir when he subscribes to the tenets of the Satanist sufi order.

These Satanist forms of sufi’ism are cults of bid’ah, shirk and kufr. They have weird haraam beliefs, concepts and practices. These Satanist branches of sufi’ism are today to be found in profusion in West Africa, North Africa, Turkey, Syria, India and other places.

One of their evil fundamental beliefs is hulool (divine incarnation) which is the belief of Allah Ta’ala settling in his creation. He permeates his creation. Man becomes god, animals become god, etc. etc. Nauthubillah!

These so-called branches of sufi’ism which are all cults of Satanism indulge in practices such as ‘dervish dances’. In some cults men and women dance and swirl together making thikr.

Imaam Shaafi’ (Rahmatullah alayh) was referring to such cults of Satanism. Obviously he was not referring to genuine Tasawwuf which is within the bounds of the Shariah. The austere life style and rigid practices of Ibaadat of the Auliya, including the Fuqaha, are all substantiated by the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal (Rahmatullah alayh) would frequently be in the suhbat (companionship) of the renowened Sufi, Hadhrat Habeeb Ajmi (Rahmatullah alayh). In fact the Imaam of today’s moron Salafis, namely, Ibn Taimiyyah, too was a Sufi. He belonged to the Qaadariyyah Silsilah.