
At the Musgrave Musjid in Durban a lady is conducting Qur’aan tafseer classes. She dubs her tafseer with the designation ‘thermatic’ explanation. What is this? Is it permissible for a lady to deliver lectures on the Qur’aan in a Musjid for women?

Answer [by Mujlisul Ulama]:

‘Thermatic explanation’ is another term for Satanic explanation. Women who disgorge ‘satanic explanation’ in the name of the Qur’aan Majeed are plagued with lesbianic tendencies. These womenfolk having eliminated their Imaani hayaa no longer have the slightest inhibition for exposing themselves in the public. Only females who are confirmed TRAPS of Iblees venture into the public to make a stupid display of Jaahiliyyah of themselves. But, now the aggravating factor is that they are displaying their zina tendencies under deeni cover – under cover of the Qur’aan Majeed. And this is supreme shaitaaniyat –satanism.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Woman is Aurah (an object of concealment). When she emerges (from her home), shaitaan lies in ambush for her.” On the occasion of his expulsion from the heavens, shaitaan had supplicated to Allah Ta’ala for many things. One of his duas was for ‘traps’ to enable him to entangle mankind in fitnah. Allah Ta’ala, in His Wisdom, granting shaitaan’s supplication, said that his traps will be women. Thus whenever a woman leaves her home precincts, Iblees sets in motion his snare to create immorality, obscenity, zina, etc. with the female trap.

The woman who appears in the public domain such as the Musgrave Musjid, is in reality one of the snares of Iblees who is an extremely cunning ustaadh. He is utilizing this female trap to spread fitnah.

In the context of the Hadith ‘Aurah’ – is not restricted to the outer cloak, jilbaab or abaya. It means that the woman must remain concealed inside her home. When she leaves her home to participate in the public domain then she becomes

an embodiment of shaitaaniyat and fitnah, hence Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “A woman advances and recedes in the form of shaitaan.” In other words, Iblees is ever present to create the attitude of zina in males when they cast glances at a woman whether she approaches them with a cloak on or whether she walks away with her back turned on them.

It is unheard of in the annals of Islam that a woman had ever emerged from the holy precincts of her home to go to a Musjid to deliver satanic explanation of the Qur’aan at a Musjid to women who are all afflicted with the same calamity of zina tendencies. It is only such tendencies which render a woman utterly shameless constraining her to prowl in public venues which Islam has made haraam for her.

When even the Holy Wives of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) were banned from the Musjid by the Sahaabah – when they were not allowed to come to the Musjid for even the Fardh Salaat, then by what stretch of Ibleesi logic does this miserable, most unfortunate woman agent of Iblees argue permissibility for her satanic explanation of the Qur’aan Majeed? She advertises her evil and villainy under Qur’aanic guise thus aggravating her immorality by leaps and bounds.

She shamelessly advertises and publicizes her name and her donkey qualification for all and sundry when the demand of Purdah is for her to conceal even her name from a Deeni article she has composed. Only a shameless Donkey ‘mufassirah’ has the temerity of advertising herself and allowing herself to be manipulated by Iblees. Understand well that a woman in the public domain is under the spell of Ibleesi manipulation.

This miserable aunt should reflect on the extreme degree of concealment which the Shariah has ordained for even the dead bodies of females. They are shrouded in five sheets and in terms of the Sunnah of Hadhrat Faatimah (Radhiyallahu anha), the female mayyit covered in five shrouds will be further concealed with a covering sheet whilst being lowered in the grave. But here we have this miserable, most unfortunate aunt acting as a Trap of Iblees, publicly advertising herself and acquitting herself with riya and takabbur by announcing that she is a ‘muallimah’. In fact she is a Jaahilah. Only a Jaahilah is capable of such audacity which constrained her to act in flagrant violation of the Qur’aanic command:

“And, remain glued inside your homes, and make not

an exhibition of yourselves as the displays of Jaahiliyyah.”

Allah Ta’ala has created woman for ONLY the home role. This is her natural role for which Allah Ta’ala has created her. Woman has no function other than the Home Role, and that was what Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) clarified to Hadhrat Faatimah (Radhiyallahu anha) when he delivered her to her new home on the occasion of her marriage to Hadhrat Ali (Radhiyallahu anhu).

A woman who conducts her life in conflict with the natural home role ordained for her by Allah Ta’ala is a zaaniyah.

The Musgrave Musjid has acquired the appellation of Musjid Dhiraar. This Musjid now specializes in harming the Deen. What can be expected from this Musjid when its trustees have installed a toilet/shower cubicle within the Musjid precincts and when even porn is indulged in during the holy nights of Ramadhaan whilst in I’tikaaf? The expectation is only shaitaaniyat. It appears that the Musgrave Musjid is on a trajectory to destroy the Deen from within.

It is never permissible for women to attend the satanic talks of the Shaitaanah who is out to bamboozle stupid females and erode their Imaan in the name of the Qur’aan. This Shaitaanah is also among the Signs of Qiyaamah. Her satanic explanation which she so stupidly terms ‘thermatic’ explanation, is a mockery of the Qur’aan. Women who leave their homes to participate in the Shaitaanah’s satanic explanation are of a lewd breed.

If a woman has true Imaan – Imaan unscathed by fisq, fujoor and kufr – she will not have the audacity to leave her home to attend the satanic explanation talk of the Shaitaanah because she understands that the Shariah prohibits her from going to the Musjid for even Salaat. How then can it ever be permissible for her to go to the Musjid to sit in the company of a Female Devil

New Publication: Maslak-e A’lā Hadhrat – The Creed of Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī


Book Name: Maslak-e A’lā Hadhrat – The Creed of Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī: Unmasking the Shī‘ī Fitnah Concealed under the Cloak of Sunnah

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Sajid Khan Naqshbandi (Hafizahullah)

Arranged & Translated by: Sher Muhammad Khan

228 Pages [Paperback & Hardcover (unavailable in Kindle)]

Published on: 9th April 2024
Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

The Ḥanafī school of fiqh was adhered to by the Mu‘tazilites, and hence adhering to one of the four schools of fiqh by itself does not entitle one to membership in the Ahl al-Sunnah. Furthermore, a person is not considered to be a member of the mainstream group if they reject the other viewpoints and only practices upon a few stances of the group.

What if, however, we discovered a “sect” that, despite their unwavering bragging of themselves being staunch followers of Ahl
al-Sunnah [“kattar Sunnī”], yet their “high priest” [A‘lā Ḥadhrat] actually followed, accepted, and propagated the beliefs of Shī‘īsm in secret, misleading thereby millions of people?

This is perhaps an exact description of the trait of Barelwism and its leader, Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī, despite their valiant
emphasization to gain acceptance as “Sunnīs,” they have been found to violate Ḥanafī Fiqh in multiple beliefs, as expounded in our previous translation work Barelwism Vs Ḥanafī Fiqh. [also Available in Amazon]

Thereafter the question which automatically arises at this point is
when Barelwism and its high priest have professed such beliefs which contradicts Ḥanafī Fiqh, then on what grounds have they propagated such deviant polytheistic dogmas? Which is that hidden root through which such anti-Sunnī beliefs stem from?
And which is that impure fountain from which these dogmas were adopted, modified and vehemently introduced among the unsuspecting masses by the founder of Barelwism while tricking
them to accept it as “Sunnī beliefs”, and what was his objective behind such a massive conspiracy?

It was hence essential that we investigate other deviate denominations and compare the creeds of Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī, the high priest who founded Barelwism, in order to provide an academic response to these questions. Thus, the purpose of this compilation is to enlighten the readers of the creedal, historical and ancestral background of the founder of Barelwism and his covert affiliation with Shī‘īsm, and to provide insight into the striking fundamental similarities of both these
groups proving thereby the conspiracy of Shī‘īsm to destabilize Ahl al-Sunnah through their taqiyyah clad operative, Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī.

Available for purchase in the following (country-wise) Amazon links:

UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0D18QF7VK

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Below is the Table of Contents and the Bookcover: