Category Archives: Books

New Publication: Maslak-e A’lā Hadhrat – The Creed of Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī


Book Name: Maslak-e A’lā Hadhrat – The Creed of Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī: Unmasking the Shī‘ī Fitnah Concealed under the Cloak of Sunnah

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Sajid Khan Naqshbandi (Hafizahullah)

Arranged & Translated by: Sher Muhammad Khan

228 Pages [Paperback & Hardcover (unavailable in Kindle)]

Published on: 9th April 2024
Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

The Ḥanafī school of fiqh was adhered to by the Mu‘tazilites, and hence adhering to one of the four schools of fiqh by itself does not entitle one to membership in the Ahl al-Sunnah. Furthermore, a person is not considered to be a member of the mainstream group if they reject the other viewpoints and only practices upon a few stances of the group.

What if, however, we discovered a “sect” that, despite their unwavering bragging of themselves being staunch followers of Ahl
al-Sunnah [“kattar Sunnī”], yet their “high priest” [A‘lā Ḥadhrat] actually followed, accepted, and propagated the beliefs of Shī‘īsm in secret, misleading thereby millions of people?

This is perhaps an exact description of the trait of Barelwism and its leader, Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī, despite their valiant
emphasization to gain acceptance as “Sunnīs,” they have been found to violate Ḥanafī Fiqh in multiple beliefs, as expounded in our previous translation work Barelwism Vs Ḥanafī Fiqh. [also Available in Amazon]

Thereafter the question which automatically arises at this point is
when Barelwism and its high priest have professed such beliefs which contradicts Ḥanafī Fiqh, then on what grounds have they propagated such deviant polytheistic dogmas? Which is that hidden root through which such anti-Sunnī beliefs stem from?
And which is that impure fountain from which these dogmas were adopted, modified and vehemently introduced among the unsuspecting masses by the founder of Barelwism while tricking
them to accept it as “Sunnī beliefs”, and what was his objective behind such a massive conspiracy?

It was hence essential that we investigate other deviate denominations and compare the creeds of Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī, the high priest who founded Barelwism, in order to provide an academic response to these questions. Thus, the purpose of this compilation is to enlighten the readers of the creedal, historical and ancestral background of the founder of Barelwism and his covert affiliation with Shī‘īsm, and to provide insight into the striking fundamental similarities of both these
groups proving thereby the conspiracy of Shī‘īsm to destabilize Ahl al-Sunnah through their taqiyyah clad operative, Aḥmad Riḍā Khān Barelwī.

Available for purchase in the following (country-wise) Amazon links:







Below is the Table of Contents and the Bookcover:

[NEW TITLE] The Beliefs & Views of Hadhrat Shaykh Hadhrat Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani رحمة اللّه عليه

Book Name: The Beliefs & Views of Hadhrat Shaykh Hadhrat Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani رحمة اللّه عليه

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Sajid Khan Naqshbandi (Hafizahullah)

Translated by: Sher Muhammad Khan

65 Pages [Paperback only (unavailable in Kindle)]

Published on: 28th October 2023

Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

This brief treatise presents the teachings and opinions of Hadhrat Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani رحمة اللّه عليه through his authentic writings and discourses, while also highlighting the derogatory remarks made against him by the Ahl al-Bid‘ah with irrefutable evidence.

Available for purchase in the following (country-wise) Amazon links:

Available for purchase in the following (country-wise) Amazon links:







Hereby attached are the Table of Contents and the Bookcover:

[NEW TITLE]: Aurangzeb Alamgir: His Treatment of his Father & Brothers in the Scale of Politics & the Shari’ah

Book Name: Aurangzeb Alamgir: His Treatment of his Father & Brothers in the Scale of Politics & the Shari’ah

English Rendering of the Urdu Work: Aurangzeb Alamgir – Baap awr Bhaiyon ke Mu’amalat Siyasat awr Shari’at ki Mizan Mein

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Faisal Ahmad Nadwi (Hafizahullah)

Translation: Sher Muhammad Khan

114 Pages [Paperback only]

Published on: 9th July 2023

Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

Every student of history is well acquainted about the attempts that were and are made to tarnish the character of Sultan Aurangzeb and the severe condemnation against his persona by the biased historians. Regardless, what constitutes the most objectionable matter which comes at first place from the perspective of the Islamic Law, is his conduct with his father and brothers for he imprisoned his father and killed his brothers. What is the political context and the status of these matters in the light of Islamic Law [Shari’ah]? The answer will be found in this book, reading of which – God Willing – will clear many misconceptions.

Table of Contents:

Available in the following [country-wise] Amazon links:






[Moderator Post]

[NEW TITLE]: Barelwism Vs Hanafi Fiqh

Book Name: Barelwism Vs Hanafi Fiqh [English Rendering of the Urdu Work Razakhaniyat ba-Muqabla Hanafiyyat]

Language: English

Author: Mawlana Sajid Khan Naqshbandi (Hafizahullah)

Translated by: Sher Muhammad Khan

236 Pages [Paperback & Hardcover (unavailable in Kindle)]

Published on: 1st July 2023
Islam Reigns Publications

About the Book:

In this day and age, the Ahl al-Bid’ah (Barelwis) who count themselves from the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah and also
proclaim to be Hanafis and the muqallids of Imam Abu Hanifah (Allah have mercy on him). Whereas the reality is against it, just as these Barelwis are against the “Sunnah” and are the promoters of “Bid’ah”; in the same way they are also rebels of Hanafi Fiqh. If we pick up any major work of Hanafi Fiqh, we would fail to find the validation of practices of innovations invented by Barelwis
anywhere in it. In the same note, one can test the Barelwis by demanding them: “provide me a proof of your bid’ah practices with the references from reliable books of Hanafi Fiqh,” then the
fakery of their claim of following Hanafi Fiqh would lay exposed.

Mawlana Sajid Khan Sahib Naqshbandi (Hafizahullah) has penned this brief book “Barelwism vs Hanafi Fiqh” in refutation
of the same Barelwi claim of adherence to Hanafi Fiqh. In this book, the respected Mawlana presents 31 masa’il from the books of the classical scholars of the Hanafi Fiqh and the past scholars of India and after elaborating each masa’il, he follows it up by putting forward the conflicting stance of Barelwism on the same juristic issue through which the opposition of Barelwism against Hanafi Fiqh becomes clearly manifest and comprehendible for
the readers.

Table of Contents:

Available for purchase in the following (country-wise) links:






[Book Preview] Mansur al-Hallaj: A Life History

Mansur al-Hallaj: A Life History  – English Translation of  “Seerat Mansur Hallaj” 

Author: Hadhrat Maulana Zafar Ahmad Uthmani (Rahmatullah alayh)

Under the supervision of: Hakim al-Ummat Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Rahmatullahi Alayh) 

Paperback & Kindle editions

ISBN: 979-8566971247

Publishers: Islam Reigns Publications


The saints of Allah (Ahl-Allah) were always tested in different ways, the prophets (peace be upon them) were tested and examined to a very high degree and the magnitude and intensity of the trails of our Prophet Muhammad (May Allah send Prayers and Peace upon him) becomes clear to us through the study of Qur’an and Ahadith. Many among the Ummah had trodden such paths and destinies where even the strongest and the mightiest would have perished. Even if we overlook the events of display of Ishq Ilahi (Divine Love) and sacrifices during the era of the Sahaaba & Tabi’een (May Allah be Pleased with Them) and take a look at the later stages, then too it will only make the list of trials and examinations lengthier. The name of Husayn Ibn Mansur Hallaj (May Allah’s Mercy be upon him) and the utterance of “Ana al-Haqq” has been written in big and bold words in this lengthy list.

A prominent feature of the trail of Husayn Ibn Mansur Hallaj is that from the beginning of the 4th century Hijri to the first half of the 14th century, the scholars of the Muslim Ummah have been in extraordinary kind of doubtfulness and uncertainty over his integrity and loyalty regardless of his lofty status, because of the carelessness in the reports playing a huge role in painting a wrong picture of the historical accounts. However, a few elite scholars and the ‘Aarifeen (knowers of Allah) had investigated the soundness of the historical accounts and found Husayn b. Mansur to be in the lofty spiritual stage of Aarif Billah and Fana Fillah. When Hakim al-Ummat Hadhrat Thanwi reviewed these investigations, he found the trails of Husayn b. Mansur similar to the trails of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (may Allah be pleased with him). In order to illustrate this fact, Hakim al-Ummat (May Allah be pleased with him) collected all the materials available in the form of historical traditions and research references related to Husayn b, Mansur and in the light of the collected materials, ordered his prominent student, Maulana Zafar Ahmad ‘Uthmani to compile such a complete biography of Shaykh Fana fi-Allah Husayn b. Mansur (May Allah be Pleased with him) which along with explaining his lofty status and mysticism and the lofty stage of his Divine love, also refutes the allegations, doubts and uncertainties surrounding him.  _Mufti Muhammad Taqi Uthmani’s commencing words.

Book available in the following links:


[E-Book] Manzil – Qur’anic Verses for Protection


This is a collection of Verses and short Surah’s from the Qur’an that are to be recited as a means of protection and cure from Black Magic, Jinn, Shayateen, Witchcraft, Sihr, Sorcery, Evil Eye and the like as well as other harmful things. Shaykh  Muhammad  Zakariya  al‐Kandhlawi (May Allah have mercy upon him) collected these verses in book form, which were already in use in his family as an antidote to witchcraft.

This collection is popularly referred to as Manzil. The collection has been recommended by the likes of Allama Shah Waliullah Dehlawi (May Allah have mercy upon him) and Shaykh Muhammad Zakariya  al‐Kandhlawi (May Allah have mercy upon him). It is recommended that it should simply be recited once in the morning and once in the evening.

These are 33 verses of the Qur’an which eliminate the affects of Magic and become a means of protection from Shayateen, thieves and harmful beasts and animals. (Al-Qawl al‐Jameel by Shah Waliullah Rahmatullah Alayh)

“These are verses of the Qur’an which are known as “Manzil” in our family and elders of our family used to practice  / read these assiduously and ensure  that all the children learned them in their childhood.”  (Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Talha  al‐Kandhlawi, the son of Hadhrat Shaykh Maulana Zakariya al‐ Kandhlawi (Rahmatullah Alayh).


[Book Preview] Aqeedah Imkan al-Kidhb & Imkan al-Nazeer: A Detailed Analysis

Aqeedah Imkan al-Kidhb & Imkan al-Nazeer: A Detailed Analysis                (English)                                                                      Compiled by: Mohammed Zaid (admin of this blogsite)                                                       Paperback 240 pages                                        ISBN:  978-81-944554-6-2                           Publishers: Islam Reigns Publications.

About the Book

This Philosopical Kalam work simplifies the controversy of “Imkan al-Kidhb Baari Ta’ala” that emerged in the 18th Century in an easy to understand manner for the laymen, also thereby defending the righteous ‘Ulama of this Ummah, namely, Maulana Shah Muhammad Isma’il Shaheed and Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (رحمة الله عليهم) and exposes the loopholes and deceptions of the Baseless Barelwi Arguments on this issue.

Sample Pages Download:- Preview – Book – Aqeedah Imkan al-Kidhb (Intermediate Pages).pdf

Weight: 300 grams.

Price: £5.00 (shipping charges extra)

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