Category Archives: Feminism

Purifying The Mother of Believers Khadija al Kubra (Radhiyallahu Anha) From The Lies of Feminists

Deep down feminists, crypto Hijabis, shaykhas and modernists know that neither Islam nor the life of Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) is any way in support of their misguided ideology. So everything they say about her is either not found in any historical work especially authentic one’s or is full of distortions. And today I decided to make a post on this subject for the very first time in order for people to be safe from this Islamic flavored feminist agenda, which I feel is my responsibility as a believer [fight the evil].

Basically, in this matter, the life of Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) could be best described, if it is broken down into three parts:

1. Widow in Pre-Islamic era:

She was a widow of two husbands despite being businesswoman as per feminists which itself is a big blow to the feminist conception of empowered and successful women. Her father was a famous and respectable merchant of Makkah, from whom she inherited all of her wealth and business, which means she did not start from the scratch or build everything on her back by herself which does not look really empowered as per feminalisma. She used to conduct her business by hiring different trustworthy men to sell her goods in the markets and other cities, because she herself was a modest and pious woman who also respected the traditional norms of her society especially for being a woman of a top and respectable household of Makkah like the mother of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), Bibi Amina. Some even say, that she was Christian inclined since her cousin Warqa bin Nawfal who assured Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) of his Prophethood, was a Christian scholar of the Bibles. And some say she was from Hunafa group which was the only loyal group to the monotheism of Ibrahim (alayhissalaam). Nonetheless, with such business conduct, is how she met Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasalaam).

2. Wife of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in Pre-Islamic era:

She married Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and submitted all of her wealth to him, for him to do with it as he wishes and she will not interfere, so basically giving him all the authority from then onward [feminists and modernists will prefer to die than doing this, they in-fact on the hand abuse their right in husband’s wealth]. However, there comes a dispute from some people who say that she still continued with her business activities despite not like before, but even if we accept this, she spent all wealth earned from it in the cause of her husband not for any personal gains, that is especially evident from her submission. And she focused more on being a devoted mother and obedient wife.

But the hardest part for the feminists and modernists is yet to come when we see that up till this point of her and Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)’s life, there was no Islam so no legislation of proper roles or objective model for men and women, husband and wife, as per Islam.

3. Wife of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in Post-Islamic era:

After revelation, she completely limited herself from any personal gains or external activities and entirely devoted herself to the collective mission and cause of her husband, taking care of the children and home. And all of her wealth was spend in the way of Allah.

And this is where you get the actual life of a Muslim woman and wife in the light of Islam from the example of Khadija (radhiyallahu anha), which can still be said to be not entirely Shariati because Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) lived only 8-9 years into Islam, while the revelation and Sunnah extended for 15 years more and the topic of roles and responsibilities of men and women, husband and wife were discussed properly in later period of Madinah. Thus we can find better examples only in the life of later wives of Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), his daughters and women of Companions, who never took part in any external activities or competed with men apart for the strictly religious reasons, that too not on an equal average.

In this entire discussion about life of Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) we can also see a big contrary to feminists and modernists, view which is that Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) never had more love for wealth or career goals, she maintained high modesty, she married multiple times, she had kids, she focused more on being a good mother, obedient wife, always worked for the collective cause of her husband and religion and was willing to let go off any personal goals for it.

Hence we can clearly see from the actual biography of her life that her example is no support of any misguided modern construct of women empowerment rather more of the traditionalist’s view.

And may the curse of Allah be upon those who carry out the wrong agendas in the Muslim World, Aameen!

If anyone wants to read or find evidence for what i wrote about life of Khadija (radhiyallahu anha), he/she can easily access any authentic biographical work on Khadija (radhiyallahu anha) by our scholars.

A Glimpse of the “Liberated Woman” of the “Advanced Civilized West” – A Piece of Advise and warning to South Asian Women

By Miss Gul

The modern concept of liberation has
reduced the status of women to that of a Trash Bin.

If you’ve been to any great city of Western Civilization you would’ve noticed that there are areas where people go to get “hammered”. Bars, pubs and eateries are lined up and hoards of girls/ women come
there to get drunk, do drugs and then get picked up by guys for sex. Some people get started on the roads and in taxis there! The next morning the liberated female wakes up and gets on with her life. Some of them do expect the guy to stay in touch after he made her feel loved, even though for a brief amount of time, but most of them have learnt to not expect any attachment.

When I think of such women the only
image that comes to my mind is that of a Trash Bin that says “Use Me”.
I mean this is what they’re basically doing. In order to achieve some gratification and self worth they have to get themselves knocked out of their senses and then get *used* by a guy who usually doesnt give a damn a few hours later.

This is why Abortion is a burning topic in western countries as it rescues women from the consequence of their actions. This is why feminists classify Abortion as ‘Healthcare’ lol

In South Asian countries too when liberals March chanting the slogan of “azaadi” (liberty, freedom) this is what they’re actually looking to achieve. Women to be allowed to do whatever with their bodies without any regard for their long term physical, mental (& spiritual?) health and without any regard for its wider social impact.

When we see videos of desi girls
(Including hijabis) and guys proposing to each other, in universities, we are actually witnessing the degradation of
Womanhood. The status of that girl for me is like that of a cigarette or a tissue paper. Like how people place a cigarette between their lips as long as it burns, then throw it on the ground and crush it. Like how a tissue is used to wipe the face and then crumpled and tossed away.

The image, reputation and honour of that girl, especially if she’s a hijabi, is ruined forever. Say, if this current proposal and haraam love affair doesn’t work out then what will
become of her? I mean her man in this situation can get off easy. He can move on without much hassle if his profile is right. But she can’t.

Any man with self respect wouldn’t accept her. And maybe rightly so. Have you seen any sane person pick up a worn cigarette and put it in his mouth? Have you seen any normal individual pick out a used tissue from the trash and use it?

The last half a century has, specially the last couple of decades have, done a lot, seriously a lot, of damage to the western woman. The sparkling image of her happiness and liberty presented to us is an elaborate scheme. You can check the statistics, data and studies related to her
state of life. You’ll be surprised.

Something worse has been planned to be done with brown women but their religion and conservative culture stands in the way. So sanctions are given to fund educational circles, activist groups, social organizations and community events. These are there to indoctrinate a girl with
a warped sense of self worth, with a
shallow understanding of individual
dignity. She is taught that it’s okay to do whatever pleases her and it’s okay to rebel if it displeases others, even God.

Young brown girls float with the gusto of the unsinkable Titanic into the sea of the world as time passes and one day some reality of an iceberg will hit them. After that it will be the usual phase of blaming the society, patriarchy, family, religion andthe system. Then the silent acceptance of
what’s become will follow with the cycle of “use me” for as long as she is usable! After which it will get a lot darker with unbearable suffering and loneliness till one final day it’s her miserable end.

Allah’s refuge and guidance is sought.